
P.S. We send out our packaged property deals weekly via email to our investors on Thursdays at 09:15am

If you are interested in buying a HMO, our 5 point guide presented by Jeremy Grigg is a great starting point.

Alasdair Cunningham

Alasdair Cunningham is a well respected property investor, mentor and entrepreneur. Watch this video to find out why Alasdair would recommend working with Sowena Property.

Trevor Cutmore

With 28 properties built up and 50k cash flow a year, Trevor is a real specialist in his field. Here he is with Jeremy Grigg from Sowena Property.

James Armstrong

James has been working with Sowena, on a portfolio deal, involving 17 properties, for the last 6 months - his testimonial describes what it is like to work with Sowena Property.

John Warnes

We sourced a 5 bed HMO for one of John's investors and we are going to continue to source properties for his investors list.